
The Psychology of Teamwork: Seven Skills That Help Us Work Together

Working with businesses to assist with their staff culture is what we do. It’s what we love to do.

Creating innovative and fun solutions that galvanise different people to go in the same direction, at the same time, and towards the same goal – it’s exciting for us when that happens.

A lot of people ask us why we do what we do, and why this whole “staff culture” thing is so important. We think this Team Emotional and Social Intelligence (TESI) Model nicely summarises why we’re in the business of serious fun.

The TESI model identifies seven skills that bring a team together and maximise output. When you read this, we hope you nod your head in furious agreement, secure in the knowledge that they all apply to your organisation. If you’re not nodding, maybe we’re the people you should be calling?

1. Team Identity

It all starts here. The groups we work with who display strong team identity show high degrees of loyalty and a strong desire to work together. Importantly, it also helps define roles for each member of the team.

2. Motivation

When motivation is high, anything is possible. It has direct parallels to the energy and responsibility levels of the team, and indicates if competition is working in favour of the team, or against it. Building a team of motivated people requires knowing and meeting desires, the setting of stretch goals, reinforcing success, and showing determination.

3. Emotional Awareness

Every great team observes, understands and respects the feelings of each member of the group. Emotional awareness is at the heart of team success, and is critical in developing motivation, productivity, and collaboration.

4. Communication

Communication is one skill that nearly everyone identifies as a critical factor in teamwork. But how well developed is that particular skill within the group you work with? Communication is essential in recapturing the lost art of listening, while also encouraging participation, and making it safe and comfortable to discuss topics of a sensitive nature.

5. Stress Tolerance

This particular skill allows each team to gauge how well they’re doing in terms of managing workload, time constraints, and work-life balance.

6. Conflict Resolution

Conflict is to be expected in any team, but when it happens, productivity suffers. The best teams know how to effectively resolve any dispute and get on with working towards shared goals.  How a team processes and moves on from disagreements is a skill every organisation needs to build, and quickly.  

7. Positive Mood

A negative, low-energy team will deliver results that reflect their mood. On the other hand, positivity is the common thread running through high-achieving, resilient and flexible teams. A positive attitude is usually developed by encouragement, a sense of humour, having (serious) fun, and expecting to succeed.

These skills make sense in theory. But you can only talk about stuff for so long…at some stage, you have to do it. And that’s why we do what we do. We put the theory into practice, and help to develop a stronger staff culture in interesting ways. If that’s something you need help with, we’re here to work with you. That’s what teamwork is all about.

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