
The Importance Of Having Fun At Work

We’re Serious Fun and your workplace should be a bit like that too. No matter the size, every working space should have enough room to accommodate work and fun, and it’s our business to make it happen.

Why do we take workplace fun so seriously?

Because there are big benefits attached to it.

For a start fun reduces stress. You probably know from bitter experience in your own work environment, that stress is a massive handbrake on productivity. Stressed people lose focus, become resentful about the task at hand, argue with colleagues, and are more focused on getting home than getting the job done. The smartest corporations that we deal with recognise the symptoms of stress and often get in touch with us to come along and release the pressure. It works wonders when we do.

Workplace fun also energizes people, both mentally and physically, and this is reflected in increased productivity.  In addition, having fun makes people more creative because it allows them to think playfully. Kids aren’t afraid of making mistakes when they play. It’s how they learn. Similarly, being playful without being limited by the inhibiting fear of failure can give your team a huge boost. Many corporations who are troubleshooting a particular problem will often step back from what they’re doing, and bring us in to manage a fun activity for their team. Then it’s back to work with renewed vigour and a new way of looking at things. It’s all about making the time to step away from the grind and let the mental batteries recharge.

Finally, fun in the workplace strengthens relationships between employees. This creates a happier and more welcoming environment, and fosters a sense of teamwork that uses the power of collaborative thinking to overcome challenges and successfully complete projects. 

So, now you know the benefits, how do you go about creating a fun work environment?

We can play our part, obviously. We have a range of off the shelf activities like Top Team (our take on the classic Top Town show) or an Amazing Race around Christchurch. Or, we can tailor activities and experiences for you, and this is a good idea if you’re unsure what you want or need, or what is possible.

But you can do your bit too.

You might want to revise how you interact with your team members. By fostering a more positive environment, one where people feel comfortable enough to laugh and be a bit playful, you can lighten the mood and give your team the space they need to grow into their roles. You can encourage your team to share breaks and meals together – whatever it takes for them to get to know each other. The better they do, the more fun they’re likely to have. We can be of service here too by helping you and your team enhance your workplace culture.

A big part of what we’ll do is reintroduce a sense of fun to your workplace. A touch of humour can go a long way to overcoming difficult challenges, and we’re very serious when we say that.

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