
Building Your (Remote) Team During A Crisis

The team that works together achieves together – or something like that. However you want to word it, team unity is important and we can help you all stick together. Corporate and team building events are what we specialise in and, as our name suggests, they don’t have to be taken too seriously to make a big and positive difference. Get in touch and let’s talk about building your team – especially during a crisis like the one we’re currently going through.

As we continue to deal with COVID, even at Level 1, sticking together isn’t exactly easy. Many of us are still working remotely, and, to be honest, it can suck. It seems we’re more dependent on our colleagues than we think. Perhaps we’re even fond of them! This is something we were reminded of when we read the 2019 State of Remote Report. The report asked respondents for their biggest struggle with working remotely and some of the answers were very revealing.

22% said their biggest struggle was unplugging after work

19% cited loneliness

17% missed communicating and collaborating

10% were distracted by the comforts of home

8% struggled to stay motivated

Working remotely is difficult. It can affect employees in all sorts of ways, and this is why team building must be a higher priority for you, even when the team seems to be in pieces, and here, there, and everywhere. It’s important to keep everyone within the loop and minimise the feelings of loneliness, which often leads to a dramatic drop in productivity. Besides, isn’t it nice to just check in as a personal gesture?

Many organisations have taken remote team building exercises several steps further. For example, they’re playing online games together, joining each other from the comfort of their lounges for virtual Friday night drinks, enjoying quiz nights, challenging each other to reach a certain number of steps around the home during each working day etc. There are plenty of ways to stay in touch, with the emphasis on fun and developing a positive mood which will pay off when there’s work to be done. As experts in the team building department, we have plenty of other suggestions for you; distance doesn’t have to be a barrier.          While team building might be a little difficult to envisage when people are in different places, it’s something you should be ramping up during this crisis. Your employees could be struggling to deal with the change in their work situation; just because they’re remote it doesn’t mean you have to be.  We think the best way for you to stay in touch with them is to get in touch with us.

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